Does A Ukrainian Woman Like You?

Katrina Lyashenko
5 min readJun 14, 2021


Ukrainian women can be a bit of a mystery to Western men. Of course, love can be a mystery to men in general. Take both together and there’s a lot of room for confusion when it comes to romance, which leaves a lot of guys not knowing if the woman that they’re dating is actually in it for them or because they come with green, both in terms of money and the card that marrying him gets her.

Luckily there are a few things that a guy can do and a few things that he can look out for to make sure that the woman that he’s with is actually into him and not just what he brings her.

Signs That She Likes You

  • She Laughs At Your Jokes

A lot of guys aren’t as funny as they think they are. Sure, they’ll crack joke after joke, wisecrack after wisecrack, but they’ll trip over their words or their punchlines won’t land properly. Still, the women they’re with will laugh anyway.

Laughter even when the jokes aren’t funny can mean that there’s a real attraction there. This can be doubly indicative when it’s a western man and a Ukrainian woman, since there’s a language barrier that has to be dealt with, not to mention cultural norms may mean that American humor won’t translate well to a Ukrainian audience.

  • She’s Very Touchy-Feely

Some women can get very touchy when they like someone. As in, they’re going to take any excuse they can to initiate some form of physical contact with the object of their affection.

  • She Reacts To You

Body language can be pretty hard to read. There’s an old joke about knowing a woman is upset with you if her hands are around her throat. Some women may adjust their stance so they can subtly angle their bodies towards their partner. It can be as simple as her simply tilting her head a little to more obvious signs such as basically wrapping themselves around the person they’re into.

  • She Tells You Outright

The most obvious sign that a Ukrainian woman can give you that points to her being romantically interested in you is if she tells you outright. Keep in mind that with her possibly not speaking English, you may not hear the L-word.

What you’ll probably hear is Ya tebe kohayu, which is how romantic love between a couple is said.

If she says those words, then it’s a very good sign that she does indeed have romantic feelings for you.

You can believe her or not if she says these words. That’s your prerogative. You can trust that she’s telling the truth or you can mess up something that all signs point to being a really good thing.

Things You Can Do To Test Her Feelings

Sometimes, she can say or do things that make you think it’s real. Despite these actions and words, you still feel that nagging sense of doubt in the back of your mind, the little bit of anxiety that keeps telling you that she’s only interested in using you as a meal ticket.

  • Make It Clear That You’re Not A Meal Ticket

While Ukraine isn’t some underdeveloped third-world country where the streets are lousy with starving children, it’s not exactly a land of excess with a shining city on a hill. People run the gamut, but people can get pretty poor or at least live close enough to the poverty line that they’re basically treading water until they drown.

If your lady is in this type of situation, you’re going to be tempted to send her some cash as a lifeline. You can do that and that’s a perfectly natural and admirable thing to do. What you don’t want to do is to give so much that you’re basically running yourself ragged picking up extra shifts at work so you can keep sending her money.

Give her enough to get by or keep the lights on. But don’t give everything you have to give because if you do, she might take advantage of that. If she’s grateful even when you don’t give her all that much, then she’s probably a good person with real feelings for you.

  • Float The Idea Of Living In Ukraine

Some women date Western men because marrying them is a relatively quick and easy way to move to a Western country. Maybe they think that their lives would be easier that way. Whatever their reasons, some women want to get out of their country and move somewhere else, somewhere that they see as more prosperous.

So introduce the idea that instead of moving her to you, you’re moving yourself to her. Even if her feelings are real, she might be a little upset. But she’s so upset that she breaks up with you, then you’ll know that it wasn’t you she was after, it was your country. You were just a means to an end, not a partner to build a life with.

  • Just Straight Up Ask Her

In line with her telling you about her feelings, you could always just ask her if she’s actually into you and not just after a way out and your wallet. Like the part about her just telling you above, she can tell you the truth of her feelings in her own words or whatever words she needs to use in order to get around your different languages.

Once again, believing her or not is up to you. She can give you her answer and whether or not you’re satisfied with her answer is your prerogative.

It’s almost impossible to know what someone is feeling. Without the benefit of being able to read someone’s mind, the only way someone can know if their partner truly loves them is to look at their actions and hear their words and then interpret those actions and words accordingly.

So if you’re with a Ukrainian woman, then her feelings might be real. They might not be. Look at the signs and then decide accordingly.

