Maintaining Long Distance Relationships with Ukrainian Women

Katrina Lyashenko
5 min readMar 5, 2021


Maintaining long distance relationships with beautiful Ukrainian women requires a lot of effort and communication to work.

Communication is key to long distance relationships with Ukrainian women.

For Western men lucky enough to meet and date beautiful Ukrainian women, congratulations! Now here’s the hard part: maintaining that love and affection while being several hundred miles apart.

As aware as we are that fondness and affection don’t simply go away with distance in between, we are also realistic. Maybe the distance isn’t the problem, but what about time and lack of communication? They will most likely try to get in between any promising couple who are geographically separated.

Long distance relationships are difficult for some, and sometimes, as much as we hate to admit it, they hardly ever last.

The modern Ukrainian woman should not be thought of as a mail order bride. No, these fiercely independent women are usually the anchor for friends and family. But, for many in Ukrainian culture, such positive traits can sometimes go unnoticed.

Being an Ideal Long Distance Partner for Ukraine Women

It isn’t rocket science making a long distance relationship work. All you really need is love, trust, patience, and understanding. The rest will follow.

The best advice we can generally give you without going into every excruciating detail is to do whatever your heart tells you. Cheesy, yes, but we find that in life, it’s the best course of action when feelings and emotions are involved.

For example:

Ukrainian Women Are Great Communicators

Yes, you are miles apart, but we have the internet for this generation. Communication is so much easier these days compared to not too long ago. Take advantage of it at all costs.

Communicate as little or as often as you need to feel connected. There is no relationship if there is no communication. This doesn’t just apply to Ukrainian women, this applies to all kinds of people too.

Because of the popularity associated with Ukrainian dating sites, long distance couples are not taboo in Eastern Europe.

Women from Ukraine Want Emotional Support

We can’t always be next to our partner when they need us the most. This is even more unfortunate when you can’t be physically present most of the time. Visits are far and in-between, and sometimes the longing just festers deep within the more you think about it.

So what do you do?

As stated above, communicate. Yes, you can’t be there physically, but there are so many other ways to make your partner feel your presence and affection.

Emotional calls happen, sometimes more than you initially thought. It’s also very healthy to do in a relationship you have with a Ukrainian woman. These ladies aren’t that different from American women — or any woman in particular. They all want someone who emotionally responds to them too.

Let Ukrainian Women Know You Love Them

If your feelings are real, then this ought to be easy. Spending so much time away can accumulate jealousy, insecurities, and doubts. To get rid of those negative feelings, tell the woman you love how much you appreciate your relationship.

Tell her how much you want to be with her every time you call. Giving each other reassurances helps the relationship last longer. Stay connected with each other emotionally.

Women from Ukraine Love Encouragement

We all grow and change whether we like it or not. The fact of the matter is that life moves forward and all we can do is figure things out to make sure we don’t stray away from the ones we love.

Long lasting relationships are woven by a couple’s effort in pushing each other forward. It is healthy to have change and personal growth in a relationship. If you plan on marrying a Ukrainian woman, then it is in your best interest to not just shower her with affection, but also to support what she loves and feels passionate about. She will do the same thing for you.

Being Near Ukraine Women While Apart

If love is present, you will always find a way to hang out and enjoy each other’s company even when you cannot be face to face.

Relationship experts say codependent relationships are the best kind, especially in marriage. Being apart for so long forces us to do things independently, so it’s important to have a few activities that you and your partner can do separately but “together.”

You can stay in sync and still retain your own separate identities as individuals. This is where dating gets fun as activities get more and more varied. You can either read the same book, having phone calls while streaming the same show, or play games online.

Some couples even recommend scheduling time dedicated to video calling each other. There are several social media apps that can provide video chatting for free. Even just a call or text will show her that she stays on your mind.

You are now more connected while staying interdependent.

Take Care of Any Issues In Person and Remotely

There are going to be issues in your relationship that will need fixing. Learning how to address them while being far apart is necessary, especially if you two are going to get married in the future.

Women in Ukraine generally admire chivalry, so they will most likely expect you to pick up the slack first. Your lady will respond in the same way if you approach your issues gently and with a level of maturity. After all, you’re both adults.

Women from Ukraine Favor the Bright Side

Before you went into the whole foreign dating scene, you probably asked yourself several questions. Can you trust a Ukrainian woman based mainly on virtual communication?

The reason why you’re happy and in love right now is that you focus on the positive. You choose to focus on the brighter side of things. You answered your own questions by hoping for the best. You learned that Ukrainian women are amazing and that the woman you fell for is the kind of partner you long to be with.

If you have the same mindset now as you did back then, then you’ll be alright.

The First Steps Towards a Ukrainian Wife Starts with You

Now that you get the picture, always keep this in mind:

Respect the reason why you’re apart.

No one doubts that long distance relationships are difficult. There will even be times that you will say, “Screw it!” and just quit your job, just so you could be with the person you love.

Even if that sounds incredibly romantic, Ukrainian women are just like any other women and will not be impressed by something so reckless.

They want to be stable when they marry, so don’t get ahead of yourself. Your relationship is going to grow stronger in the long run, as long as you finish what you’ve started. And when the time is right, merge your worlds. You’ve waited long enough.

